Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Privacy enhanced airport underwear

Introduces a new line of clothing that protects the controls are € ™ modesty to say that it does not cause problems, through full body airport scanners. The new company, called ScannerShirts, is selling the clothes which has strategically placed patriotic emblems of a special ink which was supposed that the blur of as private character parts of image on the computer to analyze. This company aims to offer wear œprivacy for family trips women shirts s who have stars on the nipples and shows to shirts with emblems basically covering the genitals. Abstracts and boxers with United States or logos with Eagle forward themes are also available. Other companies sell ink, metallic clothing over the Internet that supposedly deals with the same concern. Some of these garments are printed the fourth amendment, which is the constitutional guarantee against reasonable search in them. The transportation security administration refused to comment on whether this type of clothing in fact combines a persons image, but he pointed out that nothing unusual was detected by airport scanners may cause passengers be forced to further testing. Experienced travelers know well, no matter how cheap cheap plane tickets, hotel rooms reservation or cheap holidays are that it has no price is cheap enough compensating a feeling of frustration when passengers stagnant in a plane on a runway in more than three hours without the knowledge of when can be downloaded from the aircraft. At the end of April last year, the Department of transportation (DOT) has established new rules and fines for airlines that stranded passengers in national plans to sit in her denied during more than three hours. Currently, airlines predicted doom and darkness. He stated that these new rules driving dramatically in flight cancellations would be bad for passengers and airlines. The good news for passengers is that delays extended track of 98 per cent from the new rules were implemented. The good news for airlines is that the point is still the level of sanctions in any of the dozens of violations in May 2010.

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