Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be happy and healthy! Take a vacation

Take a vacation this year or jump because of high gas prices? Americans have always been good postpone holiday this year has built an excuse. If you want to be happy and healthy and a holiday of 2008 so far, now is the time to take a vacation!According to a survey conducted by Expedia-a third of all Americans do not have all their vacation days. The static bench said a quarter of all Americans don't do any paid vacation! It was a surprise for me, but as an entrepreneur in a practice alone does not get any without leave. A recent article in the New York Times by Alina Tugend had entitled "vacations are good for you, medically speaking" does what recent studies show that the holidays are necessary for good health. Article sites two studies (one with females and males) health displayed a high percentage of coronary problems occur for which no regular holidays. A party gives you time to relax. It allows you to de-stress and relax. There is evidence that sleep better during and after your vacation. I've always been surprised that the sensation of relaxing calm vacation lasts a few days when I return. Among other things for those who carry cell phones and blackberries to check the work in the Office of your holiday, studies been conducted to demonstrate that it is less likely to get the benefits of the holiday in accordance with the New York Times article. Therefore, if they do not take your holiday however, now is the time to do so. If the type of check-in with Office, find a place where cell phones and blackberries don't work for what you can really relax. (It can be difficult to release the Blackberry mobile unit!, but worth the effort.) If you have small children, vacations with them can be exhausting. It is not the kind of vacation to relax! Young families have two parties, a family and one of their own parents. As a grandmother always I am pleased to be invited to sit the child while my daughter and my son in law to go on holiday. Once I went to Disney World with his family so they could get time together and I could see the children. If you have this option, obtain a rest and appease his parents too. For my vacation this year, attended the Berkshire Choral Festival. Enjoy a vacation where I do something that only during the year. For me who sings. I spent a week learning and rehearsing "carmina burana" and then with a group of other singers have performed from July 19 for a hearing. Tests and performance were absolutely exciting experience. I will do it again next year.If you like adventure, vacation, holiday, travel vacation or sitting by Holiday learning pool, it is important to change the environment of one or two times a year and just have fun. (¿QuĂ©_es_todo_este_trabajo_para)? Where to go or what you are doing is not as important as only enjoy and let go a bit. If it has not planned your holiday yet, do so today. 1 Exotic holiday law should not be how many of us have gone abroad, but never visited interesting places for tourists from other countries visiting near our House. Make a list of nearby places that always wanted to visit and plan your vacation to her around. 2.? are you an addict of the email even on vacation? Start thinking about ways to reduce the control even when you're on vacation. Anyway, wasting time. Click here for a list of things you can do to eliminate a large amount of e-mail while you are on vacation and implement their ideas before holidays.

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